60 Uses of Kangen WAter
Kangen Water Machines have more than 50 different uses besides providing high-quality, antioxidant-rich drinking water. They can replace a variety of health, beauty, and cleaning products based on the pH setting you choose:
The 2.5pH is highly acidic which makes it a great disinfectant.
The 6.0pH beauty water has the perfect acidity for skin, hair, and plants.
The 7.0pH clean water is as neutral as you can get and is great for animals and kids.
The 8.5 - 9.5pH drinking water is the perfect pH range for human consumption & drinking water alkalinity. This water is rich in antioxidants, deeply hydrating, and tastes incredible.
The 11.5pH strong alkaline water strips pesticides off of fruits and vegetables and breaks down greasy substances. Making it great for many cleaning uses.
Disclaimer: Enagic or Kangen Water does not claim to treat or prevent any pre-existing or future illnesses or conditions.
11.5pH Strong Alkaline Water
1. Good night sleep - Drink 1/2-1 ounce before bedtime to help release Melatonin for a great night's sleep.
2. Eye wash - Rinse eyes with an eye cup. Upon removing the eye cup from its packaging, soak in Strong Acid Water (pH 2.5) for 1-2 minutes to clean and disinfect. Rinse the eye cup thoroughly with Strong Alkaline Water (pH 11.5) Fill the cup, following package directions, with Strong Alkaline Water (pH 11.5) Place cup firmly around one eye, keeping your eye open, tilt your head back and gently roll your eye as though you were attempting to look up, down, and from side to side. Continue this for approximately 1 minute. Now that you have completed one eye, toss the water away. Rinse the eye cup thoroughly with Strong Acid Water (pH 2.5) Repeat steps for your other eye. To maintain healthy eyes follow this protocol 1-3 times per week. When working to improve any eye condition, follow this protocol at least 2 times daily and up to 10 times per day.
3. Grease in eye - Spray 11.5 as needed to soothe and heal eye.
4. Make up remover - Wash your face with the 11.5 to dissolve and remove any makeup
5. Puffy eyes - Spray on to eyes to reduce puffiness.
6. Hot bath soak - Use one gallon of 11.5 added right at the end of filling the tub. This replaces Epsom Salts or any other remedy. This works even better if you have the Anespa from Enagic.
7. Snoring - Use as a nasal wash when sinuses are plugged.
8. Bug spray repellent, sun burn, bug bites - Spray or soak areas with towel soaked in 11.5 and keep wet by adding small amounts of 11.5 to the towel for a minimum of 30 minutes twice a day...better if one hour twice daily.
9. Heat burn, indigestion, food poisoning, stomach flu - Drink 1⁄4 cup FRESH 11.5 immediately followed by 25 ounces of 9.5 then do not eat or drink anything for 45 minutes. Repeat the next day only if necessary.
10. Post-workout muscle soreness & lactic acid buildup
11. Hangovers & migraines - As soon as you feel a migraine coming on, drink several oz.
12. Fruits & veggies pesticide removal - Soak for a minimum of 5 minutes to clean off oil-based pesticides & herbicides! This is my favourite use of the 11.5pH water. Water and oil usually do not mix… however due to this waters high alkalinity and cleaning properties, it is able to engulf these oil-based pesticides and effectively remove them from the produce. Pesticides are oil based so that they don’t rinse off the crops on the farms when it is raining! However it is VITAL that we do not consume these pesticides, they are highly poisonous to humans and have been linked to a large variety of illnesses. Even organic produce is sprayed with these pesticides!
13. Ice cubes - To help off-set the acidity in certain drinks
14. Grains, beans, & legumes preparation - Soak for 5 to 10 minutes and rinse clean with low flow 9.5.
15. Meats - Soak all for 5 to 10 minutes for cleaning and tenderising
16. Laundry soap - Use 1 to 2 quarts per load in place of laundry soap. Works beautifully for greasy smells like fast-food restaurant work clothes.
17. Stains on clothes, rugs, carpets - Use as a degreaser for any type of cleaning. Clean oil based stains by soaking the area and letting sit for 10 to 20 minutes and then blot out of carpets and wash if laundry stain as mentioned above.
18. Clean oven, clogged sinks & tubs, replace 409 cleaner & drano - Clean with a scratch pad. Replaces 409 cleaner when dissolving grease and grime in kitchen. Use instead of Drano or other chemicals for clogged sinks and bathtubs.
19. Polish silver
Soak and polish.
20. Paint thinner - After using oil base paints, use to clean up.
21. Use instead of “goo gone” - Removes greasy, gooey, gummy, sticky problems.
22. Raw food cuisine - activating nuts & seeds - Use the 11.5pH water to soak nuts & seeds before consumption. This reduces phytic acids, reduces tannins & polyphenols, promotes the production of beneficial enzymes, improves the body’s ability to absorb minerals, makes proteins more available for absorption, reduces anti-nutritional enzyme inhibitors, removes gas-causing compounds, and improves food texture & flavour.
2.5ph STrong Acidid Water
1. Anti-microbial - Pre-rinse all fruits, vegetables and meat and let sit for one minute before soaking in11.5. This water (scientifically known as hypochlorous acidic) has been shown to kill pathogens & microbes.
2. Disinfecting - Use for disinfecting anything.
3. Hand soap - Use in place of anti-bacterial soap.
4. Hard water spots & rust - Clean hard water spots off of chrome and rust off of metal.
5. Facial lifting & tightening - Spray face and neck (not eyes) and rub skin upward until dry. Finish with Beauty Water to tone skin.
6. Brushing & gargling - Rinse with 2.5pH and then wait one minute and then rinse with 9.5 water for 30 seconds to restore the natural pH. This is safe for the teeth, gums, mouth & skin.
7. Open wounds & burns - Clean twice daily until healed. Do not use any other ointments as they only attract microbes by keeping the area moist and sticky.
8. Sore throat or cough - Gargle 3-4 times per day or put in spray bottle and spray into the throat.
9. Poison ivy - Spray on infected or itchy areas as often as needed.
10. Moles & warts - If you see something abnormal on your skin you may want to soak a gauze pad on a band aid with the 2.5 and apply over the area. Change the band aid at least once a day. Often this process requires 30-60 days before seeing results.
11. Natural deodorant - Use 2.5pH strong acidic water under armpits to kill odor-causing bacteria.
6.0ph Beauty Water
The pH of this water is similar to rainwater and provides many benefits for gardening, cooking, and the skin.
1. Facial soap - Clean face twice a day. Spray after cleaning.
2. Hair conditioner - Spray hair after showering as this conditions your hair. Try not to use conditioner of any kind as this coats the hair.
3. Tone skin - Use as final rinse in shower or bath to tone and firm skin.
4. Pets - Bathe pets for more lustrous coats.
5. Plants - Water indoor and outdoor plants for vigorous growth. Can revive dying plants.
6. Eggs & pasta - Use to boil eggs and pasta.
7. Freezing food- Spray on foods before freezing including fish and shrimp so that foods do not lose their flavor.
8. Anthocyanins - For washing and preparing fruits and vegetables containing anthocyanins: plums, grapes, cherries, strawberries, red cabbage,eggplant, soy beans, asparagus.
9. Fabric softener - Use in rinse cycle during laundry. One gallon per load.
10. Eyeglasses - Great for cleaning lenses and other glass objects without streaks.
11. Replace windex - Replace all window and mirror cleaners with Beauty Water for a streak-free finish.
12. Hardwood floors & ceramic tiles - For polishing and housecleaning: hardwood floors, ceramic tiles, etc.
7.0pH Clean Water
1. Drink with meals only if necessary.
2. Use for making baby formula.
3. Drink with fast dissolving medication
8.5pH Water to 9.5pH Water
1. Soups- Cook all soups with 9.5 water to bring out flavour of vegetables, herbs and spices.
2. Smoothies - Use 9.5pH Kangen water as the liquid for your smoothies to get a hit of antioxidants along with your fruits & superfoods. This will also intensify the flavours in your smoothie.
3. Stir fry. -Stir fry with 9.5 to steam.
4. Aromatherapy spritzer - Put any herb like rosemary or lavender in a spray bottle filled with Kangen water, let set for a couple of hours and use as a spritzer in your house for aroma therapy and an air freshener.
How To Get Started Drinking Kangen Water
It is recommended that everyone who chooses to drink Kangen water start by drinking the 8.5 pH water. The Kangen drinking water is dispensed through the TOP flexible hose. Drink at least 1⁄2 of your body weight in ounces each day. If you do physically demanding work, participate in strenuous athletics, or are dealing with “sickness issues”... you need to drink more Kangen water to help your body move towards and achieve homeostasis. In these situations, it is recommended that you drink at least 3⁄4 of your body weight in ounces, and drinking 1 ounce per pound of body weight per day produces real “miracles”. It is my observation that those people who drink a minimum of 3⁄4 of their body weight in ounces of Kangen water per day see the quickest results. After successfully drinking the suggested amount of 8.5 pH water for two weeks (“successfully” means that you are not experiencing any discomfort while drinking the water... other than frequency of urination), then you may choose to increase the water pH level up to the 9.0 pH setting. Continue drinking the suggested amount of water at this setting each day for at least two more weeks. After successfully drinking the suggested amount of 9.0 pH water (again meaning that you are not experiencing any discomfort while drinking the water other than frequency of urination) then you may choose to increase the water pH level up to the 9.5 pH setting
Cleansing Symptoms
Occasionally we find people that experience “cleansing” symptoms. These are typically caused by the body releasing stored toxins and acidic wastes. If you experience any “cleansing” types of symptoms (such as headaches, skin eruptions, loose bowels, coughing, etc.) when you start on the 8.5 pH water, then you should increase the amount of water you are drinking to help neutralize and flush the toxins from your system. If you experience these symptoms after increasing the pH of the water you are consuming, then go back to the last pH setting that you were able to drink without experiencing these symptoms and increase the amount of water that you consume until these symptoms stop. If the reaction gets too severe, one should back off of the pH but INCREASE the volume of water ingested.
One Machine. Endless Uses.
Watch this Video to learn more about the Kangen Machine
GEt in touch about purchasing a kangen Ionizer
For the past four years, I have strictly consumed KANGEN WATER, which has significantly improved my health, energy levels, and overall lifestyle. This water has allowed me to embrace an environmentally friendly lifestyle with minimal exposure to toxins and chemicals. Incorporating the 9.5pH water into my daily routine, along with utilizing other pH levels for various household and beauty applications, has been truly transformative. You too can benefit from this water experience by investing in your own Kangen Water machine, no matter where you reside globally.
Either reach out to me on any of the following platforms or fill in the form below and I’ll get back to you.
Happy and healthy Drinking
Instagram; @tahneeleepinches
Email: tahnee.pinches@gmail.com